Pickleball Association of Western Australia Inc.

WA State Championships 2025 Update

WA State Championship - Update

Hi PAWA Members,

I would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Xmas, Festive Season and New Year. Enjoy your time with family and friends and travel safe.

Below is a rather lengthy update of the WA State Champs.

For those that haven’t played in a tournament, it isn’t that daunting, there is an event for everyone. Check out the link below and read the details.


Just a reminder to our members that anyone that is able to volunteer throughout the tournament feel free to contact me direct with any questions and your availability. Our volunteers are very important to host events.

Referees are just as important. Hopefully all our WA referees can respond with your availability.


Fri 31st Jan

Venue – Ocean Ridge Tennis Club - 12+ Outdoor Courts

Singles, Doubles and Coed Doubles to be played. 4 different age groups.

The event is outdoors and could be impacted by hot weather. The Pickleball Weather Gods have been good to us over the years. Hopefully 30c.

Play Singles from 8:30am and then Doubles around 11:30am following with Coed Doubles at around 2:30pm finished by 5:30pm.


Sat 1st Feb

Venue – Gold Netball Centre - 16 Indoor Courts

Multiple events based on genders, age and skill level.

Likely playing times are from 8:30am to 5:30pm

Possible Social Event 6:30pm venue TBA


Sun 2nd Feb

Venue – Gold Netball Centre - 16 Indoor Courts

Multiple events based on age and skill level.

Likely playing times are from 8:30am to 5:30pm


Mon 3rd Feb

Venue – Gold Netball Centre - 16 Indoor Courts

Multiple events based on gender, age and skill level.

Likely playing times are from 8:30am to 5:30pm


Tue 4th Feb ????

Venue – Gold Netball Centre - 16 Indoor Courts

Multiple events based on gender, age and skill level starting from 50+. For <50 yrs players can enter the “Open”.

Dependant on registration numbers the intent is to play this event on the Sat, Sun & Mon evenings avoiding playing on the Tue 4th Feb.  These could commence around 4:00pm on those days.

 Let m know if any issues or questions about the tourney or registration process.

Register as soon as you can to get the Early Bird discount.


Paul Brown

Committee Member (Tournament Director)- Pickleball Association of WA (PAWA)

Mob: 0477 746 039

Email: Pawa10@pickleballwesternaustralia.org

Web: pickleballwa.org.au



Purchase PAWA promotional clothing here :>


Do you run a community players group, Pickleball club, multi-sport club (including Pickleball) or have a business that supplies Pickleball equipment or services (including playing venues)?

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   Become a member of Pickleball Association of Western Australia Inc.

Welcome to the Pickleball Association of Western Australia Inc. (PAWA) website. Here, you will find information on Pickleball in Western Australia, playing locations, contact details, tips and tricks and more.

Become a member and you will receive additional benefits and information.

PAWA hopes you enjoy your Pickleball journey (social, competitive - or both), and find value in browsing information on this site.

WHERE TO PLAY in Western Australia.

Become a member of Pickleball Association of Western Australia Inc.


Scroll down for News and more information.


Latest Events and activities

2023 BumperBoard Competition


PAWA AGM for year end

For information on Annual General Meetings see details here.

Have a look at the Members Area to check out online update for personal details, Tips and Trick for Members, players liability and injury Insurance details and payment options for membership renewals.

Play Pickleball

Pickleball is a paddle sport you can learn in minutes and play for a lifetime. It brings together elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong to create a sport that’s fun for all ages and skill levels, but gets fast-paced and exhilarating at competitive levels.

- Play indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court - Usually played as doubles, but can be played as singles

- Use a solid paddle to hit a plastic ball over a low net - A game takes about 10-25 minutes

Each game starts with the serving team sending the ball over the net. The receiving team must let it bounce before returning the ball over the net. The serving team must also let the ball bounce before returning it… but after this, both teams generally rush forward to volley the ball back and forth, often hitting the ball rapidly between them without it touching the ground.

If the serving team faults or misses the ball, they lose the serve. But if the receiving team faults or misses the ball, the serving team scores a point. The first team to reach 11 points (as long as they’re 2 points ahead) wins the game.


Read the full rules here.



How is pickleball different to other net sports?

- It’s easier to pick up than many net sports
It’s lower impact than tennis, so it’s easier on the body
It focuses on quick reflexes and aiming, rather than spiking the ball, powerful serves, or running speed.


These differences open pickleball up to a greater range of players. Whether you’ve been playing tennis your whole life, or you’re walking onto a court for the first time; whether you’re young, old, or in between; whether you’re strategic and competitive, or just want to get involved in something fun, social, or active… Pickleball is for you!


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